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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Madden NFL '98 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-07-28 00:00:36 Views : 22148 Cheat mode Enter these names in the CREATE PLAYER screen. It doesn't matter what kind of player you create, it's the name that counts. Name - Description: Leech - Better Defensive Backs Gloves - Easier Catches Bigfoot - Better Kicking Jackhammer - Better Stiff Arm Extra Plays In the PRO SET select your play, press square for the audible screen, then press L2. Your play is now FB COUNTER - (L1) HB SWEEP - (R1) QUICK OUTS - (R2) WR QUICK SCREEN. Remember, each formation has different plays. Bonus Teams Enter these names in the create player menu, it doesn't matter what kind of player you create, it's the name that counts. Team - Name: EA Sports Team - ORRS HEROES Tiburon Team - LOIN CLOTH All Time Leaders - LEADERS All Time All Madden - COACH All 60's Team - PAC ATTACK All 70's Team - STEELCURTAIN All 80's Team - GOLD RUSH NFC - ALOHA AFC - LUAU Secret Stadiums Enter these names in the CREATE PLAYER screen. It doesn't matter what kind of player you create, it's the name that counts. Stadium - Name: Astrodome (Old Oilers) - JETSONS Cleveland Browns Stadium - DAWGPOUND Old Oakland Stadium - SNAKE Old Tampa Bay Stadium - BIG SOMBRERO Old Miami Dolphins Stadium - DANDAMAN RFK Stadium (Old Redskins) - OLDDC Tiburon Sports Complex - SHARKSFIN Old West - GHOST TOWN EA Sports - PROBST HOUSE Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Madden NFL '98 cheat codes.
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